Monday 10 April 2017

Federating Node with DMGR

Now, we have come to a stage where we will use the actual concept of Network Deployment. By federating nodes to the deployment manager we can administer all the application servers through one deployment manager console.

Go to AppSrv profile root and navigate to bin directory and trigger below command:

./ <dmgr_host> -connType SOAP -port 8879

where -connType and -port are optional parameters, default connType will be SOAP and default port will be 8879

Ensure dmgr is up and running before triggering the command.

Now, our node is federated with DMGR. You may check using ps -ef | grep Dwas and you will find a nodeagent is created and running. Nodeagent helps in communication between App Server and DMGR.

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