Monday 10 April 2017

Creating JVMs (using Admin console and wsadmin)

1) Creating JVM/Application Server using WAS Admin console

Access admin console using below URL:


where <ip_address> is the ip address of the machine where dmgr is running and 9060 is the default port.

Navigate to Servers -> Server Types -> WebSphere application servers

 Select Node from the drop down menu. Click next.

Enter server name. Click next.

Select template. Click next.

Select "Generate Unique Ports". Click next

Click Finish.

Click Review.

Select "Synchronize changes with Nodes"

Click OK

Select the newly created JVM and click start.

You will see the JVM status as green. You may check $AppSrv_Home/logs/TEST01/SystemOut.log and search for e-business.

 2) Creating JVM/Application Server using wsadmin 

a) Using jacl

Navigate to $DMGR_home/bin directory and trigger below command :

./ <dmgr_host_or_IP> <SOAP_Port>

This will enter wsadmin prompt. Please ensure, dmgr is running before you enter wsadmin.

On wsadmin prompt, trigger below wsadmin command to create JVM.

wsadmin>set node [$AdminConfig getid /Node:AppSrvNode01/]

wsadmin>$AdminTask createApplicationServer AppSrvNode01 {-name TEST02 -templateName default}

wsadmin>$AdminConfig save

b) using jython

Enter wsadmin using below command.

./ -lang jython

Input below scripts on wsadmin prompt:

wsadmin>AdminTask.createApplicationServer('AppSrvNode01', '[-name TEST03 -templateName default -genUniquePorts true]')


Start the JVM using ./ <JVM_name>

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